He that writes to himself writes to an eternal public. -Emerson

Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Traveling Sint

Post arrived with a letter from Sinterklaas. It seems he and Piet wasted an afternoon looking for us at the Saxenburgerstraat and were quite annoyed not to find us there. Still, they were kind enough to forward us our annual Christian indulgence (hmmm, maybe not the best word to use), a Postcode Lottery advent calendar. This gives us a good opportunity to test Felix: the New Yorker had an article recently that claimed a child's ability to postpone gratification was an indicator of future success in life.

Yes, Sint, we've moved, but we haven't escaped you. Even now, I struggle with my own poem, set to the tune of "Berend Botje":
Felix en Talia zijn weg gegaan
Later heeft Alec 't zelfde gedaan

And 5 December nears....


  1. ze namen niet de boot zoals Berend dee
    maar gingen alledrie met het vliegtuig mee
    zoals meneer Botje die ooit Nederland verliet
    buiten bereik van Sint en Piet
    naar het verre Amerika, het beloofde land
    zijn ze uiteindelijk op de westkust geland
    veel geluk, veel plezier, groetjes aan de neef van Sint:
    maar zeg nou zelf, die Santa: dat gelooft toch geen kind!!

  2. Damn that's good. But it's not to the tune of Berend Botje! As if you don't have enough Sintwerk as it is?
