He that writes to himself writes to an eternal public. -Emerson

Monday, April 15, 2024

Rebuilding, part 1

Not a firm foundation

Occasional snarky mentions in the last several years' worth of Family Christmas Letters have done little to inform Brekkie readers of what we are really doing with our home remodel, and why. It's a long story that may or may not have a happy ending, but it must start with the question you're mostly too polite to ask: What's taking so long?

We purchased the house in 2013 in what was already an advanced state of decline. The roof leaked, the foundation under the original cabin had sunk a couple of inches, the utility systems were failing, the finishes were beyond tired. Wise heads characterized it as a likely candidate for total demolition. But we were occupied by other projects (saving the barn, dealing with creek erosion, moving back and forth to Amsterdam) and by the time we got to grips with this one we'd already lived here for the better part of a decade.

Then, too, the property is a tricky one, being triangular, half in a flood plain, and bordering a creek throughout. Our first plan took a long time to develop and to get through the local planning process, but we persevered because that's what we do. That plan had us altering the footprint to accommodate both a bedroom and a narrow bath at the rear of the house, the thinking being that guests in the barn would be able to come in and shower via that exterior bathroom entry. But changing the footprint led to discussion of rebuilding larger and larger sections of the foundation, and that prompted a geotechnical engineer to add a requirement that we do a lot more creek work to protect the new foundation. Faced with a project he couldn't possibly do for less than a million dollars, our contractor freaked out and abandoned us, and we, in turn, abandoned this plan.

The house was obviously going to have to be rethought, but the garage was a stand-alone piece of work that did not require redesign. Intent on getting something out of the many tens of thousands already invested, we went back to Planning and arranged to reduce the scope to just that one building. We found a new contractor and began construction on the garage in February 2023.

Garage under wraps

The garage took too much money and too much time, but it let us get something built while we revised our plans for the house. It also let us test out our GC and a variety of sub-contractors and got us, or rather, Talia, used to writing big checks. We had momentum, and after a few more months we had a Plan B. It was obvious that a revised design would have to leave the footprint of the house as it was, a forced economy that, I think, has led us to sacrifice very little. We get a better layout for the master bath (albeit without the door to the back deck), a kitchen that is no larger but is otherwise much improved, and we still squeezed in everything else we wanted, including an additional half bath for those dreamed-of guests. We were in front of Planning again in July, determined and, it turned out, pretty much ready to begin before the year ended. Demolition of the main house began last December.

Pack me up

This, of course, left us with the question of where we would live during construction. Marin County is not an easy rental market, nor cheap, and we have some disadvantages: Qubit, obviously, and the fact that neither of us have rented in decades so have no usable rental references. We were saved by our community: the fluvial geomorphologist who designed our original creek project happened to know of a neighbor's place coming available and put in the good word. We are now living in a cottage much like ours, which is to say old and funky and mostly unheated, but even smaller--three bedrooms only if you count one of the closets (which Gideon is obliged to) and a single bathroom for the four of us. However, it is only a few blocks away from our home-under-construction, which is helpful in all sorts of ways. Moving is always a trial, and this move was arguably the worst ever, but the house rebuild started on time and has progressed well. I write from what I expect is the midway point of construction, and in the next installment will share more details of the work being done.

Monday, March 4, 2024

Race Report

He's even better in the other direction

I wrote a couple of years ago about Felix's chosen sport, mountain bike racing. He has stuck with it and, I assume, is getting better with the years. Certainly his writing has improved, which is why it is a pleasure to bring to you his report on his most recent race. Enjoy!


Race #1 - Fort Ord - March 2nd, 2024

Felix Shuldiner

With the first race of the season came the first chance to race my new bike, a full suspension Orbea Oiz that is perfect for bumpy NICA courses. Except my frame was broken. With my hopes dashed I turned to plan B, which just so happened to be forgetting my helmet at home, buying Clif Bloks en route, borrowing the team hardtail, borrowing a team helmet, pre-riding too many laps too fast, and just generally forgetting what racing is all about.

I woke up in the morning to cloudy skies and no appetite, left my hotel probably an hour before Julian left his, and arrived back at the pit zone half as early as Julian was late. The morning was off to a great start: sausages and chocolate milk hit the spot, and I scarfed down the traditional nutella bagel. I was having a great time until I heard that Julian hadn’t left his hotel yet, and was racing in half an hour. Normally this wouldn’t be an issue, but this year I was a captain and Julian had three other racers with him. In the spirit of looking out for my riders I did my part to streamline their paths from Julian’s truck to the start gate, and breathed a sigh of relief as I watched Julian and Tyler fly by. The rest of my morning was spent trying to stomach banana bread and walking the course counting how many laps ahead of everyone Scout was. 

Before I knew it, it was my turn to start warming up and as usual I decided to skip the rollers in favor of some pit zone laps. By the time I crossed the start line my legs were cold, but I was fired up and ready to finally race after five hours of waiting. My race was off to a great start as I caught someone’s handlebar, catching my balance I continued my first sprint and before I knew it, I had found a group and we were flying into the first descent. I passed more riders on the fast flat sections, and didn’t stop passing until I found myself alone during the second of my four laps. My second lap was the real beginning of the race for me, I was warmed up and was about to run into one of the smartest and most annoying riders I have ever raced against. Encouraged by my teammates in the feed zone, I pressed on the gas and started to catch up to Evan. I found him being trailed by a Tam rider, and together Evan and I shook him off over the course of half a lap. Feeling fast, I powered ahead trying to put as much distance between the drafting Tam rider and me as possible. All was going well until, just like every other race it seems, my chain popped off. Evan and the Tam rider whizz past me, struggling to get the chain back on and get my speed back, and Timberwolf flew past me as well. 

My mechanical lost me time, but also gave me a short break and a little of my energy back, and during my third lap I was able to catch the Tam rider again, only to discover why Evan had seemed so angry at him just one lap ago: the Tam rider was so smart about racing that his tactics bordered on unsportsmanship. “Man I’m so cooked, you should pass me I’m just costing you time” he would say, and I would pass him only to find him still drafting me a quarter lap later, laughing to himself. I tried to turn the tables but every time he remained behind me or slowed me down. Finally we came to a sharp turn into a long slightly uphill section (my best and fastest terrain) and I hit the hill hard. With the equivalent of a home field advantage I was finally able to drop him and rode the rest of my race draft free. 

I went on to lose one more position to a timberwolf who was better equipped to ride the bumpy flats and uphills at the end of the course than I was, and finished 19th in JV1 on a borrowed bike! Overall, I felt great, had a blast racing, and I can’t wait for the next one! Although next time I’ll be riding my own bike, and I won’t forget my helmet.


Sunday, January 7, 2024

The Family Roadtrip, revisited

The road

My father was an academic, which, in his day, meant you were long on time but short on money (these days it means you are short on both), so family vacations, in those decades of cheap gasoline, were often road trips. Long road trips, with the longest of them all a tour in which some sizable fraction of our large family drove five thousand miles from Massachusetts to New Mexico and back. My memories of that Southwestern odyssey are faint and horrible; most pointedly I recall waking up in the back of a crowded station wagon on Christmas morning with gum in my hair and a view much like the one above--to a child, as bleak, snowless, and in general unChristmassy a vista as could be imagined. My father's memories, as revealed in recent email correspondence, are even fainter, though possibly more cheery. In the interest, then, of doing a better job preserving the historical record in this generation, and in case anyone might want to follow in our footsteps, here's a virtual triptik of our more recent tour of the area.

While gas is no longer cheap, flights to Las Vegas are. Our hotel offered this bizarre (in light of the Vegas water situation) view, a heated outdoor pool, and the novel (to the kids) experience of traversing a smoky gaming floor with your luggage.

Felix had contracted a non-COVID bug just before leaving, so after a morning drive through Red Rock Canyon he returned to the hotel while the rest of us headed for the Strip. Gid got his first glimpse of the Sphere, the holy place where his favorites, U2, are resident. He was also gratified to encounter an Elvis impersonator who, projecting the King to the present day, was drunk, grotesquely fat, and confined to a mobility scooter. Vegas always satisfies.

We also found spheres indoors, oversized and extra glitzy as per Vegas requirements. Gideon and I continued gawking while Talia, in a move she later regretted, detoured to the Big Apple rollercoaster.

By New Year's Eve Talia and Felix were both recovered so we set out for dinner and a nighttime view of the Sphere, which looms large everywhere you go.

It was New Year's Eve, and the Sphere provided the perfect backdrop to wait out midnight (though in truth we only made it to NYC time).

We left Sin City on New Year's Day to tour some even more impressive tech, the Hoover Dam.

We found the dam tour well worth the time: it is an incredibly impressive structure and we were delighted to rediscover the acoustics of dam-length tiled tunnels.

For some strange reason my previous visits to the Southwest had included totally skippable landmarks, such as Four Corners, but had missed the greatest landmark of them all: the Grand Canyon. We spent the next day hiking and driving along it.

There is no way to capture the majesty of this place in pictures or words (though this might help?). We came, we gawked, one of us threw a rock into it, and we left with a new sense of time and geography.

Seeing the rock formations of Monument Valley was the initial impetus for the trip: Gideon had noticed a shot on a screensaver and decided we should see it in person. How right he was. We arrived at dusk so had to save touring those distant beauties for the next day.

Our hotel--Goulding's Lodge--was nestled up against one of these red-orange buttes, however, and the same outfit ran a campground a little further on where we went to take sunset photos.

No photo editing here: sunset colors on these rocks are truly otherworldly.

And at dusk the rocks are transformed again into a lovely pink.

The next day we entered the Navajo park that contains the Mittens and other grand and bizarre formations for a cold but awesome hike.

One of the few pleasant memories from that long-ago Southwest trip was seeing (and smelling, oh the mesquite!) cave dwellings, and Talia and I were blown away by the ones we visited on Mesa Verde on our last tour through New Mexico, so we jumped at the chance to show the kids this isolated and magnificent example in the Navajo National Monument.

As a bonus we got to talk to some adorable rangers.

We took a break from all the red to see some pink (and blue snow!) at Coral Pink Sand Dunes State Park. Worth the detour if you're ever in the neighborhood.

The next stop was Page, Arizona, where we took a guided walk through the over-photographed Antelope Canyon, visited the Glen Canyon Dam (no tour, unfortunately), and saw (or missed, for some of us) Horseshoe Bend. Incredible red rock throughout.

Our penultimate day was spent at Zion, where, more than at any other point in the trip, I appreciated visiting in the less crowded winter season.

Having seen the best nature the Southwest has to offer we returned to the urban charms of Vegas where Gideon discovered robot-stirred boba tea.

We ended the trip with a visit to one of my favorite places, the Pinball Hall of Fame...

Where we played this unique head-to-head machine. Other than this epic battle the boys did not fight much, and at no point did anyone get gum in their hair. Roadtrip success!