He that writes to himself writes to an eternal public. -Emerson

Friday, October 8, 2010

Corn maze

No news, I love corn mazes! Mazes in general, spent a good deal of time as a kid drawing them and such, but corn mazes in particular.  And this weekend I found myself in the maze of a lifetime.  This maze was so large and intricate that a map and an associated coordinate system within the maze itself were required for escape.  And I do mean required:  without it you would likely be lost forever.  Scoffers may check it, below:

One enters at the lower of the two white strips on the left. By coordinate point G20 we were already nervously consulting the map.  We took our first shortcut before "Starbucks Station" (which did not have a Starbucks, by the way).  At Z29 we stopped for a nursing break, a very lucky thing, as before the break we were planning to head off towards the upper right hand of the maze, whereas by the end of the break we'd realized the correct route lay quite in another direction.  This proves that in addition to being an amazing maze on the ground, it was a very good one even just on paper.  Here are the pics:

Miraculously, despite carrying a 20 pound baby and a 2 pound pumpkin, we made it out in less than an hour.  Highly recommended.

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