He that writes to himself writes to an eternal public. -Emerson

Friday, July 22, 2011

The rising waters

Living with the first baby in a small apartment was something like being in one of those movies where the protagonist (me) is trapped in a cube (the apartment) as the water (Felix) slowly rises. Living with the second baby in our current house is like being in the preview of that same movie: everything happens much more quickly, with the exciting moments highlighted. Except for one thing: the leap in water level that is heralded by a baby's first steps has been long delayed.

Give me a break, Gid. You were fully capable of walking--the strength, the coordination, the examples galore--from a year on if not earlier, yet it was only a few days ago that you decided to take some steps. Progress, if such it should be called, was rapid thereafter. A quick photo essay by way of explanation:

Monday: I catch Gideon playing baseball in the backyard. He immediately plants it and swears it was all a coincidence.
Tuesday: While out shopping I turn around and discover Gideon giving Tai Chi lessons in the Japantown food court. He sits down and mutters something in a language I do not understand.
Wednesday: Gideon, unaware that I am no longer holding him up by his overall straps, walks across the room. I film it. Faced with incontrovertible proof he admits he can walk, and asks if we are going to stop feeding him and changing him and all that. I assure him there is no connection between walking and his full ride. I am unable to explain exactly why he does get a full ride, but walking or the failure to do so has no bearing on the matter. Reassured, he strolls down the hall, climbs up on Felix's bed, stands, and starts ripping all the stickers off the bottom of the top bunk. He then eats the evidence.

Thursday: We go to the beach where Gideon emphasizes his new-found ability by walking in soft sand, which is really very difficult, you know.  I am so pleased with him, we have such a wonderful afternoon, and afterwards, washing the sunblock off in the shower, he stands up and yanks on my bellringer so hard I hit overtones.
Gimme a kiss you big lug, you, and enjoy your Friday.

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