He that writes to himself writes to an eternal public. -Emerson

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

New job, part 1: My New Commute

How's the new job, you ask?  Like most jobs, you have to get there first, and that's what this entry is about:  the commute.  So how's the commute, you ask?  Great.  I bought a new bike, my first in quite some years, and my first electric bike ever.  Technical details here, but the key point is that it's fast and does most of the hill-climbing for me.  Indeed, it reminds me of a motorcycle and, like a motorcycle, the main challenge is staying warm.  I deal with this by donning a fair bit of gear (picture credit:  Felix):

Felix, ever alert, requested some warmer cycling kit himself, and we obliged (photo credit: me):

Geared up, it's off we go, sometimes together (I drop Felix at school on Fridays), but more often apart. Below, a typical ride:

Loved my Amsterdam commute, but this is as good or maybe even better. Still, early days yet, and tomorrow I face my first rain...

1 comment:

  1. Gosh, it's what I miss most...the bike...(and the Hema next...)
