He that writes to himself writes to an eternal public. -Emerson

Friday, February 3, 2017

New job, part 4: Pirates

I've written in the past about what I do for work, and no one's been any the wiser. It's hardly your fault: though they value me, my colleagues, my bosses even, often find it difficult to explain what it is I do. Recently, though, I've been given a very concrete and easily explained remit: piracy analytics. People use our software without paying for it. I need to arrange to identify and characterize those "pirates" using data and analytics so that others can reach out to them and, more or less gently, convince them to become proper customers. There, that was easy to explain.

Then there's another question: why does this matter? Because if I succeed in this the value of my Autodesk stock will allow me to save my dear barn. Well, that's what this guy thinks, anyway. He'd better be right and I'd better be successful because things around here are getting...teetery.

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