He that writes to himself writes to an eternal public. -Emerson

Monday, September 17, 2018

Middagmaal in Amsterdam

An astute commentator suggested it was time for the blog title to change, given my current location. He's right. I started this blog in 2009 after my move to the US in order to keep my Amsterdam friends up-to-date on my doings overseas. Back in Amsterdam its purpose, though not its only one, remains the same, but the definition of "overseas" has changed. However, I can't just rename it to the direct Dutch equivalent. For one thing, the Dutch breakfast is a pale experience at best--there's nothing here like the soon-after-return breakfast that inspired the name originally:

(Felix was and remains a good eater, though we have since met an even better one.) For another, a lot of time has passed: surely breakfast is over? I've chosen the middagmaal instead, which can be quite good hereabouts.

American friends, you will admit that America is as beautiful and arguably even more monstrous than ever, but never fear, we will be back. And while I wrote in my original post that I expected to lose friends once they were far away, my experience has been that you lose connection with very few of the people you care for deeply, and certainly none of my Dutch vrienden have been lost to me in this way. Nor, I now understand, will my American ones be while we are away. Eet smakelijk!

1 comment:

  1. Hear hear! In my experience, the overseas makes bonds tighter rather than looser!
