He that writes to himself writes to an eternal public. -Emerson

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Father's Day: The Shave

Barber waiting for next customer

I don't celebrate Father's Day, or rather, I don't celebrate just a single day a year as Father's Day, demanding instead Father's Day treatment, oh, at least once or twice a week. Specifically, a shave.

I taught Gideon how to give a decent shave last year while we were in Amsterdam. The process was not without its setbacks, but there we had a commodious tub, and the shave was a nice way to take up at least some of the time he spends talking about video games and other virtual or imaginary things in the course of a shared shower. But back in Fairfax we had to give it up: our shower here is barely big enough to have two standing together, and sharing it is in no way relaxing, much less shaving in it.

And relaxing is what it's all about, because being a dad stresses me out.

Then, just recently, on a walk with Qubit, we found the chair pictured above. It's been a while since I acquired a second hand seat in this way, but it's how all the best of them have come to me over the years. So now, while we still don't have heat in our bathroom, or a tub, or a shower big enough for two, the luxury of a reclining shave, that we do have.

Even if you don't choose to give up most of your bathroom space to accommodate your budding barber, you can still make your Father very happy by watching Lesson 20 here together. Next up, a towel warmer!

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