He that writes to himself writes to an eternal public. -Emerson

Monday, March 22, 2010

Golden Gate Bridge

One of the very great advantages of living in Marin is that you have frequent excuse to cross that most beautiful of bridges, the Golden Gate. It never fails to thrill me (or, for that matter, Talia and, most of all, Felix). But I realized the other day that for all those crossings not a one of them has ever been by foot, or at least not by my feet. So I walked it, and here are some photos therefrom:

The tiny boat in this picture is a sea kayak.
Sutro Tower, another beautiful--to my eyes at least--SF landmark, as seen between a pair of the bridge's cables.

The view up from a cable juncture.
One of the towers, the magnificent towers.
A door into one of the towers.  Forbidding....
A popular jumping-off spot:  guaranteed to finish you and, if the tide is going in the right direction, you may be sure your body will never be found.  Wikipedia claims it's the most popular spot in the world for this particular activity.


  1. 'Make the call', oké, but where's the NUMBER you gotta call?

  2. You just pick up the phone and you're connected right away. You should try it! Did you read the Wikipedia section on this? Freaky.... But the truth is once you get out there you (or at any rate me) kind of get this little voice in your head saying "wow, you could just jump over this little fence...." Made me realize that a fear of heights is really a fear of yourself. Come visit and we'll walk it together, hand in hand.

  3. it's a common thought, I guess...what if? I could just jump, or drive with my eyes closed (one of my favourites), or whichever method one prefers...The thought of stepping out of life with just a split second decision seems amazing, would one dare? And look at the view: great way to go, don't you think? Nice pics, Alec!

  4. Yay! Not alone in having crazythoughts! Take *that*, sense of alienation!

  5. I have since learned that actually quite a few people do survive the fall and, as amazing, the cold water below. Still, probably best not to try it.
