He that writes to himself writes to an eternal public. -Emerson

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Washing dishes, part 2

Long months of hand washing have provided ample time to think about how to do it better.  One area in particular requires improvement:  the flatware.  Washing individual spoons, knives, and forks is for the birds.  Why not have an upright tub that stands on the counter, filled with soap and water, and with a hand crank on the top?  Let the metal soak, swish and drain, add soap, swish and drain again, add fresh water and swish and drain one last time.  I've been thinking about this, I say, for months now.  Only thought to check the internet yesterday (an understandable delay:  my sink is not network-enabled):


So someone's been thinking the same thing.  I tried ordering one yesterday, only to be informed there is a waiting list for this item.  I am not alone in my lonely dishwashing thoughts.


  1. I've been washing dishes by hand for years and I gotta get me one of those! Keep me updated on that please..

  2. OK, here's the update:

    After much time spent trying to find a manual machine to do the above I finally just dumped the silverware into an empty plastic jug I had (happens to have previously contained a very large amount of organic salsa). Added soap. Shook, which was a lot of fun. Ran hot water into it until the water ran clear. Dumped it out directly into the drying rack.

    Results: much easier and more fun than washing individual pieces of silverware; 95%+ appears to be quite satisfactorily cleaned, probably 100% is clean enough in a germalogical sense.

    So, skip the automated one (after all, if you have enough counter space for that device, surely you have enough space under the counter for a dishwasher!), which isn't actually in production anyway, and just use my shake method.

    Let me know how it works out for you.
