He that writes to himself writes to an eternal public. -Emerson

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


I think there is a fair case to be made that Qix is the most elegant video game ever devised.  Try it yourself and see.

I played it at most once or twice in its heyday, now I play it once or twice a day.  I am, of course, lying.  I play it a dozen times in a row, then scream and slam the virtual window shut.  I ignore it for days on end but then go back and beat my head against its four simple walls.  I am...what's the word?  What is the word for how infuriated this game makes me?  For how deeply bothered I am by the fact that I've been playing this game--no, working at it--for months now and am, if anything, worse than when I started?  What is that word?  That word is pissed.

So try it, try it I say, and you may hate it too.  And if you do, please tell me why I am so bad at it.  My suspicion is Lack of Patience.  I guess I keep playing because somewhere deep down inside I think there's a lesson in there for me.


  1. arrow keys up and down aint working...now what?

  2. Try http://drunkmenworkhere.org/201.php?action=play

  3. Oh, instructions: you have to hold down either Z or X while using the arrow keys in order to start drawing.

  4. does that sound keep following me for as I follow your blog? it's pretty annoying, not to mention i don't get it at all!

  5. OK, OK, I get it: I've removed the embedded app and provided a link instead. No more sounds on the blog. Sorry!
