He that writes to himself writes to an eternal public. -Emerson

Monday, March 29, 2010

Still more Mooi Marin

It's pretty clear there's no end to the mooi in Marin, but I'll keep blogging about it anyway.  So:  Took another hike this weekend, this time a total of about 8 miles round trip (couldn't have done it without Felix's trusty loopfiets, or Talia's trusty legs), each mile more gorgeous than the last.
Go West young man!
Wildflowers were everywhere.

 The ring on the surface of the water is what appears after a gray whale does a quick sounding.
Stopped for a quick picnic lunch.
Gorgeous land, sea, sky.
The beach in the distance is on the other side of Bodega Bay. Might be wadeable at low tide.  We'll go camping there this summer.
At this point the sand got too soft for the bike, and soon after we decided to turn back, about a mile from the point itself.

This photo was taken about 5 hours into the hike.  The stamina of both subjects is amazing.  Felix and I had spent the last mile or so playing "run over Dada's shadow," a game that he found endlessly amusing and which gave me a blister.
 I don't know how one gets to this beach down below, but one day I will.
Finally, we arrived back at the ranch from which we'd departed. Still functional in some sense, though I think the buildings are used to tend to the elk, not cattle.


  1. it just seems to get better and better...amazing!

  2. The 'Go West' comment is hilarious..
